Eliseo Castineira
Arbitration, Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Eliseo Castineira specialises in arbitration. Eliseo Castineira’s arbitration and dispute resolution experience includes:
- Regularly acting as counsel and arbitrator (sole arbitrator, co-arbitrator, president, emergency arbitrator) in ad hoc (including UNCITRAL) and institutional (including ICC, AFA, CAIP, CAM, CCB, CCJA,CMAP, DIS, GMAA, SCC) proceedings (ca. 70 cases as arbitrator).
- Acting as a consultant for the Council of Europe to advise governments on arbitration practice and reform.
- Acting as a consultant with the ICC International Centre for Expertise for ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) in Expert Determination proceedings under the New gTLD (“generic Top-Level Domain Names”) Dispute Resolution Procedure/ICC Expertise Rules (2013-2014).
- Dealing with state court proceedings in connection with arbitration proceedings (interim measures, challenge and enforcement of awards).
- Serving as Counsel at the Secretariat of the ICC International Court of Arbitration where he headed the group in charge more particularly of cases in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (2003-2009). This role involved (i) the case management of approximately 1,000 ICC arbitration proceedings and the scrutiny of approximately 500 ICC awards, (ii) dealing with almost all possible procedural situations, many subject matters, economic sectors and jurisdictions as well as (iii) close working relationships with many arbitrators and arbitration practitioners (party’s counsel, in-house counsel, ICC Court members) worldwide.
- Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC) (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
- Association Française d’Arbitrage (Paris, France): member of the Board of Directors and of the Arbitration Committee (five-member committee in charge of supervising proceedings under the AFA Arbitration Rules and, inter alia, of appointing arbitrators and scrutinising awards rendered pursuant to the AFA Rules)
- Athens Mediation & Arbitration Organisation (EODID) (Athens, Greece)
- Belgian Centre for Mediation and Arbitration (CEPANI) (Brussels, Belgium)
- Cámara Nacional de Comercio de la Ciudad de México (CANACO) (Mexico City, Mexico)
- Centro de Arbitraje de la Industria de la Construcción (CAIC) (Mexico City, Mexico)
- Centro de Arbitraje y Conciliación de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá (CAC) (Bogota, Colombia)
- Centro de Conciliación y Arbitraje de Panamá (CeCAP) (Panama City, Panama)
- Centro Internacional de Arbitraje de Madrid (CIAM) (Madrid, Spain): member of the Award Scrutiny Commission
- Chambre Franco-Allemande de Commerce et d’Industrie (Paris, France)
- Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London, U.K.)
- Club Español de Arbitraje (Madrid, Spain)
- Comisión de Resolución de Conflictos de la Cámara de Industria de Guatemala (CRECIG) (Guatemala City, Guatemala)
- Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid (Madrid, Spain)
- Cour Commune de Justice et d’Arbitrage of the Organisation pour l’Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires (OHADA) (Abidjan, Ivory Coast)
- Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (Hong Kong, China)
- International Chamber of Commerce (Paris, France) (ICC Commission on Arbitration, ICC France, ICC Latin American Arbitration Group)
- International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR) (New York City, N.Y., U.S.A.)
- Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (Tokyo, Japan)
- Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (Seoul, South Korea)
- Lewiatan Court of Arbitration (Warsaw, Poland)
- London Court of International Arbitration (London, U.K.) (LCIA European Users’ Council)
- Tribunal permanent d’arbitrage de la Chambre de commerce et d’industrie franco-russe (Moscow, Russia)
- Vienna International Arbitral Centre (Vienna, Austria)
Eliseo Castineira’s arbitration experience encompasses a broad range of disputes (including those concerning sales of goods, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, distribution and agency, as well as defective design and delay) in many economic sectors (including energy and natural resources, construction and engineering, pharmaceuticals and telecommunications). Mr Castineira has also dealt with disputes involving not only businesses, but also states and state-owned entities.
In addition to his legal skills on these issues, Eliseo Castineira devotes significant time to acquiring and developing scientific and engineering knowledge on energy and climate change.
Prior Experience
Prior to his arbitration career, Eliseo Castineira was an M&A lawyer. He was an attorney with Andersen Legal (1996-2001) and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer (2001-2002) where he negotiated and drafted numerous agreements in corporate (mergers and acquisitions, group reorganisations, joint ventures) and commercial (international distribution and sales) matters as well as construction matters.
Eliseo Castineira also acted as in-house counsel as part of a secondment to a Fortune 500 company to coordinate a major reorganisation.
Eliseo Castineira is a graduate of the University of Paris (Maîtrise de Droit des Affaires (Master of Laws) and Diplôme d’Études Juridiques Appliquées en Droit Anglo-Américain (Degree in Anglo-American Law)) (1994) and New York University School of Law (Master of Laws) (1995).
Eliseo Castineira is fluent in French, English, Spanish and Portuguese and has good knowledge of German.
Eliseo Castineira has lectured in English, French and Spanish on international arbitration at various universities, including University of Paris II-Assas, Paris, France (2003-2009, 2012), University of Versailles, Saint-Quentin, France (2006-2008), Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada (2006-2010) and University of Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico (2011).
Eliseo Castineira has published various articles on international arbitration in English, French and Spanish and has spoken at numerous conferences, seminars and courses on international arbitration throughout the world. Mr Castineira has also trained judges and in-house counsel in international arbitration.
Acknowledged as one of the top 35 arbitrators in “France – Best Arbitrators” by Décideurs Stratégie Finance Droit / Leaders League, Intelligence Report & Directory Series – Litigation and International Arbitration (since 2014).
Acknowledged as one of the top 20 arbitrators in matters involving Africa by Décideurs Stratégie Finance Droit (since 2018).
Acknowledged as a ‘National Leader – Arbitration’ by Who’s Who Legal: France (since 2016).
Acknowledged as one of ‘Arbitration Future Leaders – Partners’ in Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration (2017-2018).
Acknowledged as a ‘Global Leader – Arbitration’ by Who’s Who Legal and Global Arbitration Review (since 2019).
Acknowledged as a ‘Thought Leader – Arbitration’ by Who’s Who Legal and Global Arbitration Review (since 2021).
Acknowledged as a ‘Thought Leader – France’ by Who’s Who Legal (since 2022).
Acknowledged as one of the 25 most in-demand arbitrators in ‘International Arbitration: Arbitrators – France’ by Chambers and Partners (since 2022).
Recommended in ‘Arbitration and Mediation’ in The Best Lawyers in France (since 2022).
Recommended in Euromoney’s ‘Commercial Arbitration Expert Guide’ (since 2019).
Recommended as arbitrator by The Roster of International Arbitrators, published by the Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law of Columbia University Law School, edited by Professors Hans Smit, Thomas E. Carbonneau and Loukas Mistelis (since 2014).
In addition to being admitted as an attorney-at-law (avocat à la Cour) to the Paris Bar (Ordre des Avocats du Barreau de Paris), Eliseo Castineira is a member of various arbitral institutions / arbitral panels: